Dependency injection in Node.js

This article is about how to achieve dependency injection in Node.js using awilix, a Dependency Injection Container I have been personally using for quite some time now. I will use unit testing as a use case where dependency injection can be helpful… »

NODE_ENV: So easy to miss your step

I broke our main API last week. I merged a PR of mine I had been working for a while. It got two approvals from two co-workers, green test suite and it was working perfectly fine locally and on our staging environment, the one that we test things… »

Aggregated log management

I have been building aggregated logging mechanisms in all my projects and I always thought of it as an industry standard practice. Lately I've noticed that this is not the case and lots of people are not taking it seriously. This post is an attempt… »

Don't just "docker-compose up"

Chances are that you are working on a containerized stack. Whether you built it yourself or joined a company and found one there, you are probably using to replicate a local development environment as close to the production as possible. (In case… »

Disagree and commit

More than a few times, a recruiter or a company's representative that I am interviewing with will ask me a particular question (among others of course). The question is: "Tell me about a situation where you were disagreeing with other people on the… »