A 5 posts collection

Progressive JavaScript Linting

Linting and auto-formatting are a well known process among JavaScript developers, although due to the lack of a standard tool, lots of folks are not aware of it. While a linter analyzes your code and warns you for potential issues, a formatter can… »

Modern static site generation

In this post, I will talk about static site generators. How they have evolved and why I switched from a Ghost powered site to Gatsby.js, a modern static site generator. Static site generators as we know them Jekyll, Hexo, Hugo. They do one thing and… »

removeEventListener and this

Have you ever tried to call on a previously attached element and couldn't remove it? Did you maybe try to pass a function to that is bound to another context? The context of the callback that we are passing to is the same as the event… »

Isolated Unit Tests with Sinonjs

Units in Unit Testing is the smallest unit of code. But how small? Small enough to be tested. For that matter, Unit Tests need to be isolated and for that you need stubs. Here I will use a small function and the Sinonjs to try to test it. My function… »

Automated GUI Testing Solutions

I gave a talk entitled TDD with Node.js in the latest SKGNode.js meetup. I explained the concept of TDD and described my tools of choice for integrating the TDD flow with Node.js. It was great. I didn't got into GUI testing and I saw a major interest… »