A 5 posts collection

Dependency injection in Node.js

This article is about how to achieve dependency injection in Node.js using awilix, a Dependency Injection Container I have been personally using for quite some time now. I will use unit testing as a use case where dependency injection can be helpful… »

NODE_ENV: So easy to miss your step

I broke our main API last week. I merged a PR of mine I had been working for a while. It got two approvals from two co-workers, green test suite and it was working perfectly fine locally and on our staging environment, the one that we test things… »

Async/await - A thorough example

With the eighth (8) version of Node.js becoming an LTS, I think that this is a good time to consider switching to it and enjoy the awesome new async/await feature that will help us move away to an even more readable and synchronous flow. Promises… »

Modern static site generation

In this post, I will talk about static site generators. How they have evolved and why I switched from a Ghost powered site to Gatsby.js, a modern static site generator. Static site generators as we know them Jekyll, Hexo, Hugo. They do one thing and… » is my latest weekend project

It all started when Adonis told me that he was looking to contribute to some open source projects. He had a list of projects that he actively uses but he didn't want to always be checking their issues list for new issues that he could get his hands… »