Kostas Bariotis

Kostas Bariotis

Staff Software Engineer @PBLWorks, co-organizer of @devitconf & @skgnodejs, host of Devastation Podcast.

Latest Posts

Why you should not use process.exit()

I've been working with different teams and projects during the past few years and a common theme I've been seeing is the use of Node.js' function. Have you ever seen something like this? So what's the problem with the above? Let's see. What is… »

Setting up a GraphQL server with TypeScript

This article will go through setting up the basic structure of a GraphQL server with TypeScript. I will use apollo's Koa server package that I found to be very straightforward and also will set up some basic smoke tests with and . Let's go! GraphQL… »

Here's to another great year

It's actually been quite some time since my last new years' resolution. Quite a few things changed since with the most important being that I moved to London and have been rocking my new life here for over a year and a half now. That was a big change… »

Gatsby with Docker multi-stage builds

I'm probably late to the game, but I have just discovered Docker's new (well..) feature, the multi-stage builds. At first, it came handy for building Go binaries, starting with a base image, compiling the project and then continuing with a image to… »

Guide to package-lock.json

This article first appeared on LogRocket's blog. In this article, we'll look at , why it's important, and how it's best used along with NPM CLI in your day-to-day life. History NPM version 5 introduced as a mechanism to capture the exact dependency… »

Talking about: npm